How to prepare for an encounter with medicine

Two aspects are very important in this preparation, the first is that psychologically you make a very deep connection to yourself with what you want to heal, let go of, find through medicine, etc. The most important element here is honesty; from you to you At this stage it is important that you meditate and reflect, in the clearest and most transparent way possible that you can become with yourself. Before anything else, this second aspect is a suggestion; because medicine in any way has an effect on those who consume it, but naturally the effect improves on those who put more effort into it, like everything in life. So if you have a great desire for the medicine to work; with more force, in transforming your life, if your desire to grow in all aspects of your life is too much: then follow this second recommendation in the best way you can do it. So this second aspect consists of choosing between following a subtle diet or a more strict one, and the difference will be that the cleaner your body is, the medicine will be able to work with deeper spheres within you.

Option a) Subtle diet

Follow a diet whose foods are free of processed salt and sugar and you should not consume any processed (junk) food. Do not eat meat of any kind or dairy products, much less sausages. Do not eat foods that are no longer fresh or that are now fermented. Do not consume any type of stimulating drink such as coffee, caffeine, energy drinks, soft drinks and of course no alcohol. If you use any type of psychiatric medication, stop completely, as well as the consumption of any type of synthetic drug or entheogenic plant, including marijuana.

Antidepressants, tranquilizers, sleeping pills are not only incompatible with the ingestion of medicinal plants, but can also be dangerous to health, so they must be stopped. You should not take entheogenic medicinal plants if you have a history of heart problems and/or hypertension. Refrain from sexual activity including masturbation (for at least 2 days prior).

The day of the meeting with the medicine arrives in a total fast: drink water to satisfy the need for food.

Important foods to avoid: avocado, peanuts, plantains and/or bananas, chocolate and/or cocoa.

Summary: make a vegetarian diet taking into account each of the above points.

Option b) Strict diet

In this option you must carry out all the previous points plus the fact that all the food must be consumed without cooking. Remember not to consume anything of animal origin: meat, eggs or any dairy product (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc). In this diet are very important: fruits, vegetables and seeds; all fresh, all in the most natural way possible (without cooking).

In short: follow a raw vegan diet.

Note: On the internet it will be very easy for you to find ideas, options and everything, so that it is very easy for you to follow the raw vegan diet.


The day of the meeting with the medicine arrives in total fast: drink only water to satisfy the need for food.

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