Yaga Bioongo 

House of Ancestral Medicine


What is kambo?

"Kambó" is the name used to refer to the secretion on the skin of the Phyllomedusa bicolor, which is a tree-dwelling frog in certain parts of the Amazon rainforest. As such, it is used as a traditional medicine, mainly by the indigenous tribes of South America.

The objective of applying kambó medicine to the body is to induce it to deep cleanse, both of the body and of the soul, and thus give strength to make it possible to cure diseases. Pointing out the importance of carrying out this process with an expert in the substance.

According to the beliefs of the tribes, when extracting the substance, it is essential to respect and not harm the frog. They believe that the animal spirit is also responsible in the healing process and by getting upset, it would not fulfill its level of healing. For this reason, once the frog's kambó is obtained, it is released.

What can be achieved with the effect of medicine?

With Kambo, we have the opportunity to awaken the body to its full natural potential. People who regularly receive this "vaccine" do not get sick and have a lot of energy. Restoring the natural balance prevents the appearance of ailments induced by different viruses. Even cancer doesn't get a chance to grow, in some cases. For best results, it is advisable to take Kambo regularly. In the case of serious illnesses, addictions, or accumulated toxins from pharmaceutical drugs, it may be helpful to receive double the treatment for a while. In this way, the cleansing effects of Kambo treatments will increase one after another and last longer. During treatment the Kambo immediately scans over a person's energy field and begins to work exactly where it is needed. The process is different for everyone and the course of treatment must be planned according to each person. I have witnessed some people who were cured in one treatment, especially those with vision or hearing problems. For people with addictions, results can also happen quickly. Complicated cases may take longer. We can call this frog secretion medicine, but it doesn't really work like a typical medicine or drug. With it, the organs of the body, the endocrine system and the defense systems are simply awakened so that they act on their natural functions. With Kambo, the body has the opportunity to heal itself. What Kambo cannot do is remove the root of our emotional blocks from traumatic experiences. One may feel relieved by vomiting the yellow bile, but the root of the problem remains. To remove the root of anger and fear, other entheogenic drugs are used.

Scientific research on this frog's secretion began in the 1980s. Nobel Prize nominee Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome wrote that this secretion contains a "fantastic chemical cocktail, with possible medical applications, unmatched by any other amphibian.'(1) "Among the several dozen peptides found in Kambo, around 7% are bio-active."(1) These bind to receptors located in the brain, causing chemical reactions in the human body So ​​far, researchers have found nine bioactive peptides that have a powerful effect on gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and in stimulating the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland. "Phyllomedusin strongly affects the intestines and contributes to deep purging. Phyllokinin and phyllomedusin are potent vessel dilators, which increase the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. This facilitates the access of these two peptides to the brain as well as the active peptides. Caerulein and Sauvagine cause a drop in blood pressure accompanied by tachycardia. These also stimulate the adrenal cortex and the pituitary gland, which contributes to increased sensory perception and stamina. Both peptides have a strong analgesic effect, improve endurance, increase physical strength and generally improve the ability to withstand pain and stressful situations. They have medicinal potential that facilitates digestion, and analgesic effects have been shown for those with renal colic, pain caused by peripheral vascular insufficiency and cancer pain. Dermorphin and deltorphin are potent opioid peptides 4,000 times more potent than morphine and 40 times stronger than endogenous B-type endorphins (1). In the 1990s a new peptide, Adenoregulin, was discovered by John Daly's team at the National Institutes of Health in the US Adenoregulin works in the human body through adenosine receptors, a critical component in all human cells energizing. These receptors may offer an option for the treatment of depression, stroke and cognitively impaired diseases such as Alzheimer's. Scientific research on Kambo peptides is opening new perspectives on how the human brain works. The properties of Kambo peptides cover a wide range of possible medical uses in the treatment of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, skin problems and the eyes, fertility problems in women and men, AIDS, hepatitis and cancer. Other interesting medical properties of this secretion are its anti-inflammatory effects, its ability to destroy microbes and viruses and to heal infections. (1) Due to the presence of these nine peptides, Kambo is one of the strongest natural antibiotics and anesthetics found in the world and also one of the strongest natural means of boosting our immune system. Kambo treatments have short and long term effects. "In the short term, the effects are increased alertness, good mood, increased resistance to fatigue, hunger, and thirst" (1), the ability to focus and concentrate more easily, and mental calm that can last for days or weeks. In the long term, Kambo empowers the immune system, overcomes fatigue and improves health.

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